It’s been 6 months already since I photographed this little one when he was only 1 week old. He has since put on his infant baby weight – you know, the precious chunky thighs and kissable cheeks And that laugh! I have decided, along with my husband, that 6 months is the perfect age to photograph an infant. They have developed their own little personalities, evident in those coos and goos and countless facial expressions. I just love stilling those moments of curiosity and joy.
It was such a delight to photograph the grandparents, too! Seeing the admiration in a grandparent’s eyes as they hold and kiss a new grandchild is so beautiful. And I love how holding a baby up in the air makes everyone open their mouth really wide and smile large! You just can’t help yourself, I suppose
Thank you, Kati and Mike, for giving me the pleasure of photographing Lane again! Editing these photos made me “awww” and laugh out loud for hours on end
Big giggles,
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